Friday, July 27, 2007

Luxury Lasagne

I made a friend 'luxury lasagne' to try to chase away her feelings of poverty.
It had all kinds of strange things in it that worked brilliantly together as well as more traditional lasagne ingredients.

beef mince AND chicken (chopped pretty fine)
onions (carmelised and pureed)
token vegetables: broccoli, pumpkin and zucchini
four types of cheese
pickled egg plant
finely chopped parsley, sage, thyme
porcini mushrooms reconstituited in red wine
chilli, garlic

It seemed to cheer her up.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Vegan Tyranny in the Kitchen.

Red Lentil Dhal - this was great.

Roast Vegetable Soup - also great.

Angelata is back and HOT.

